I Sent the Email a Week Ago, but my Friend says he Hasn't Received it.

This is pretty easy to troubleshoot. First of all, let's clear up a myth: things don't just get "lost" in cyberspace. If they went somewhere, it's because someone told them to. :-) Email should arrive at your friend's domain within thirty to forty seconds from the time you sent it.

Which means that you should take a closer look at two things: your mailer's Outbox, and the email address to which you sent the email. Some mailers are set up to let you work offline, then send all of your mail at once when you click on the "Send and Receive" button. If you haven't clicked that button, you may not have really sent that mail. Click on the Send and Receive button just in case, just to make sure everything's been sent. If you don't have a Send and Receive button, try looking for Send Queued Mail under the File menu of your mailer.

You should also double-check the email address to which you sent the email. www@BauerCom.Net is not the same as web@BauerCom.Net